Welcome Back to School!

It's time to learn...
I have been working in Catholic schools for 35 years; as of this December, 30 of those years will have been with St. Anne Catholic School. I chose to work in Catholic schools right out of college because I believed the practice of faith was necessary every day, just like math facts and spelling rules. I still believe when faith becomes interwoven into daily life, it becomes natural and normal.
For the past two years I have had the privilege of serving as principal at St. Anne and while I work hard to improve our school, I believe the school has done even more to improve me. St. Anne School is not your average, run-of-the-mill school. The faith life of the school, the personal commitment of the staff, the inclusion of students of all abilities, and faiths, the growing, vibrant community, and the child-centered appreciation of fun make SAS not just a great place for me to work, but a place to believe in for all who are part of our school community. Welcome back, to all!